About the School

Principal: Mrs Mthethwa

Joining the Project Zulu partnership in 2024, Siyabonga Primary School is one of the schools with the most picturesque views. Located between Dundee and the rural town of Nqutu, Siyabonga Primary School is in the heart of the famous ‘Battlefields’ and surrounded by rolling mountains. With 130 pupils and a devoted staff team, Siyabonga Primary School loves to provide quality education to the close-knit community which surrounds them. 

Lessons have been conducted in prefabricated container classrooms for the last few years as the permanent classroom structures have been deemed unsafe and unusable after storms. Aiming to be more self-sustainable and to support the needs of their students, vegetables are grown outside the classrooms which not only contributes towards school lunches but also provides great practical learning skills for all students who are involved growing and caring for the produce. 

We are excited to partner with Siyabonga Primary School for the coming years.



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