Project Objective

Support partner schools to maximise the use of new and existing IT equipment as learning tools within their respective schools.

About the project

Since 2014 Project Zulu has been supporting the development of IT across its partner schools. Starting with Jobstown Primary where a team of UWE Bristol Technology students and their supervising academic introduced support and training for the setting up and running of IT infrastructure within the school. Listening to the needs identified by the school, the team utilised existing equipment alongside locally sourced hardware to set up a comprehensive IT system. The infrastructure support has continued to be backed up with basic IT literacy training for teachers whilst working closely with a small group of IT ‘Champions' among the staff. These Champions receive additional training to build on their existing knowledge, enabling them to offer basic IT support to other teachers in the absence of Project Zulu.

Since 2014 this programme has offered IT support and training across further Project Zulu partner schools, most recently in 2022 work commenced at Siyawela Primary to provide a tailored and sustainable support programme. The network of IT Champions has also been extended to include teachers from every school in the Madadeni partnership. Township Technology has enabled educators and school leaders to take ownership of their IT provision and maximise access to computers for their pupils.



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